
A paradigm is a set of principles, beliefs and models of explanation underlying a culture, a scientific or philosophical approach to reality.

Individuals living in the same cultural context are generally not aware of being conditioned by a paradigm. Animist cultures presuppose the existence of spirits and their multiple influences, felt to be incontestable.

Reductionist science is based on a gigantic paradigm that immediately obscures any phenomenon inexplicable by the laws of matter. It reduces love to neuronal and hormonal modalities, dismisses paranormal phenomena under the label of the charlatanesque or the bizarre, and leaves spirituality to the care of religions. These are based on certain theological conceptions presuming a revelation which, in essence, would be indisputable, and rejects recalcitrant minds under the label of heretics or infidels.

Our culture, torn between science and religion, faces numerous contradictions. He needs a safe conduct each time. Scientific progress is one: “we will one day discover a rational explanation for the paranormal”. Religious faith another: “Believe and you will be saved”.

The most commonly used subterfuge in the face of the paranormal remains occultation: locking up the embarrassing facts in a form of oblivion, so as to mask the inability to explain. A sort of omerta is then created, official speeches are organized in such a way as to avoid sensitive points. The protesters are described as naive, humbugs, or maniacs.

Evolutionary ecopsychology shows, on the contrary, that biology and transcendence are one: if the natural laws of love and its physical expression are respected, access to transcendence occurs spontaneously through extrasensory faculties.

It is therefore the general paradigm of our culture and our way of life which must be revisited, in many aspects: food, love, sexuality, extrasensory faculties, spirituality… A program which will be treated in detail in the training course and which risks unleashing passions…