Dead-ends and vicious circle

Derogations to natural laws imprison us in deadlocks and vicious circles we have no clue as to how to escape them.

The use of drug, for instance, create a dependency that prompts the drug user to seek ever stronger drugs. An ill-balanced alimentation induces unease, causing more and more unhealthy dietary habits. Badmouthing against back luck put in a state such as you can’t profit from new chances anymore…

Our Western civilisation imprisons itself in a gigantic vicious circle initiated by the loss of the extrasensory. The primordial guide able to direct decisions and actions in accord to our individual destiny, to ensure harmony between members of the human community. As result of conflicts and tensions that stem from them, and in absence of proper guidance, love can’t function in abidance to natural laws. What results is our cutting off from the very source of energy of our extrasensory abilities.

The vicious circle has only won over time and lead to others in its wake: the lack of love pushes many young people to seek compensation in alcohol; We populate the emptiness of existence by an endless gastronomic quest; The resulting health troubles bring together medicine and iatrogenesis; We imagine finding happiness in power or money; The indefinable discomfort pushes us in bitterness and feelings…

Following the multiple errors that mark our lives, we have for any luggage the existential emptiness and suffering in all its forms,; The search for a hypothetical grail or some subterfuge that would make us what we lack and that we cannot define; Leak in rationality, work, politics, in faith or in superstition…

These multiple avatars of the “fall” which marks our culture constitute an enigma that no intelligence seems to have resolved so far. No doubt because the solution - except that the theoretical solution - could not be intellectually found. Knowing that access to extrasensorial is an integral part of the natural state, we understand the failure of philosophical, religious, metaphysical attempts, all inscribed on the bottom of the cave and speculating with shadows, while he would have had to get out of the cave.

The central discovery of evolutionary ecopsychology could change the situation. Once seen, experienced and verbalized the fundamental link between love and the acquisition of extrasensory faculties, everyone is possible and not only an intellectual elite to glimpse the solutions. On the one hand by obtaining relevant responses to personal and societal problems. On the other hand, drawing directly from the sources of transcendent energy whose deficiency was the cause of discomfort, errors and suffering.

And what is the price to pay out of the dead end? Simple respect for natural laws specific to the human condition: hygiene of life, lived love and sexual, openness, empathy, love of good, beautiful and true … too much effort, according to some? But no: it is in this attitude, or rather this state of being that you feel best and that you have less effort to provide. It is tiring and stressful to lie, to fly, to hurt, if you count the weight of guilt that you inevitably drag on your conscience. To which is added the efforts that must be made each time you make an error, failing to have been guided by the extrasensory…

Thus is the primordial unity between these two aspects of existence: respect for natural laws allows on the one hand to avoid suffering, on the other hand to develop extrasensory faculties. These allow them to avoid errors, or to discover old errors sources of suffering. It is therefore possible to definitively escape the vicious dead ends and circles of all acabits that have settled in our culture and rot our life without even that we know why…