The extrasensory
The first question that comes to mind when we talk about extrasensory, telepathy, divination, clairvoyance, psychokinesis and the paranormal in general is this: does it even exist ?
Opinions are divergent and even strongly divided. On the one hand there are those who believe in it very staunchly, and on the other there are those who see only a total illusion, or even a marked deception. Some, more indifferent, wait for evidences before ruling. How to settle the issue once and for all?
Total Psychology offers a very simple way to make a clear determination: to develop your own extrasensory faculties by rediscovering their natural source, which is a love life abiding by natural laws. As soon as you have one of these faculties, you will be able to verify the messages you receive, and it will not take long before you can see for yourself, that they correspond to reality, a level of reality far more important than the material reality in which our modern culture is wading. In any case, the first step is to rediscover the natural laws of love and sexuality .
A corollary question is why the number of people with these abilities remains so low. If the extrasensory is truly a natural human ability, then we must account for its rarity in a culture such as ours. The problem is quickly solved when we know that love should be the natural source of the energies indispensable for their development. The solution then consists in determining the factors preventing love from functioning as nature would have it.
For a natural instinct as subtle and complex as that of love and sexuality to function smoothly, the organism and nervous system must be in a natural state. As long as the diet, for example, contains psychotropic substances that have a disruptive effect on the nerve centres, such as wheat gluten, milk exorphins and many other stimulants linked to bad eating habits, one can expect that the psyche will be disturbed, especially in its subtlest functions. It is therefore necessary for our diet to match nature’s specifications.
Other conditions are indispensable: the intellect must modestly take a back seat, to allow for the subtler functions of extrasensory perception and sexual emotions. In this field, as in others, the human brain is not able to focus its attention on several focal points at once. Everything that can stimulate the mind, first of all our Ego, must quieten down. It is, in fact, this Ego that drives us all the time to compare ourselves to others, to exculpate our actions, think of ways to impose ourselves, point out reproaches or resentments and other conscious activities that engages the mind and give rise to internal tensions.
Another factor that stimulates the mind must also be taken into account: many cultural stereotypes contradict the natural aspirations of the human being and even the biological demands of the organism. But any disharmony also drives cogitation, because we innately seek to establish optimal harmony. In order to silence the mind, therefore, it is necessary to restore a way of life more respectful of natural needs, either by taking a step back from the constraints of society or by seeking compromises within it, capable of reducing tensions. In particular, we must calm all conflicts with third parties, which requires to acknowledge one’s own responsibilities and “let go” of feeling guilty, as guilt always creates the desire to be right.
The first manifestations of the extrasensory usually aim precisely at reducing internal or external tensions. They know exactly where their guidance is most urgent. This can give confidence, and thus help silencing the mind. Some take a long time to get rid of their tensions, others do so almost spontaneously. Nor should one become impatient not to see things develop as we wish. Any desire or regret would only put the mind back in the front seat and slow down the progression. Samewise, be careful not to be too happy about the progress achieved.
We see that this path demands a subtle balance of consciousness. It is the same balance that guarantees that love relationships remain on a high level and provides the metapsychic energies needed for the development of extrasensory faculties. Here too, one must avoid any mentalization, not desire pleasure, nor invest in a partner, or want to repeat a successful relationship… or regret a failure.
All the sex talk pervading our modern society must be forgotten, for the tensions it engenders are likely to put the mind into circulation at any moment. His portrayal of love and sexuality is riddled with errors and ignorance of natural processes. Even if we adhere to the speech in form, we perceive these errors unconsciously. Our psyche is teeming with derisory calculations, contradictory theories, absurd beliefs, false moral principles, inducing feelings of guilt, inferiority, and anxieties that can once again drive the mind further. Fortunately, the human brain also has a great capacity for forgetfulness. You have to know how to use it wisely, and then forget it immediately…
Extrasensory perception clearly puts us in touch with a transcendent dimension of reality. As can be seen, laws in this higher layer are not the same as those of our material environment. The entities with which it is populated are neither atoms nor ideas in the ordinary sense. One could rather speak of energy-information quanta, of symbolic complexes, or of Archetypes in the sense of CG Jung. Messages that can be received should not be used in the same way as ordinary information would be used. The classic laws of action-reaction, of cause-effect, of rational logic do not apply to the letter. Instead, we must proceed in terms of symbols, resonances, energy fields, and never draw definitive conclusions.
It is a particularly grim exercise for minds formed by reductionist materialist principles, or by religious beliefs. We automatically have a tendency to decide between white and black, to make irrevocable decisions, to believe in one version, and to reject what does not conform to our convictions. On the contrary, it is an attitude of openness, of constant questioning, of modesty of knowledge, which makes it possible to translate here below, the messages from above.
One function, also extrasensory in origin, is essential to guide interpretations: kundalini. It is it that can tell us that we are approaching the truth or that we are moving away from it in the course of an attempt at interpretation. Here again all kinds of esoteric discourses come to complicate things, bringing yet more counterproductive over-intellectualization. Kundalini develops spontaneously, as long as one adopts an inner position of accepting the truth whether it suits us or not…
A delicate point is also the relationship between the extrasensory and the spiritual, especially between the world of Archetypes and the images that our religions give us of the Divinity. It is up to each of us to take the necessary step back, to replace religious iconography as well as materialist dogmatism with a spiritual openmindedness to a world banished from our culture for too long.
It seems that religions have emerged and become what they are precisely as a result of the loss of natural access to these higher values, as attempts to reconnect to them. Materialism and reductionism too, can be considered as reactionary formations against the loss of access to the transcendent, equivalent to religions. We believe in the metaphysical reality of an atomic particle, for example, forgetting that it is only a model of reasoning projected on sensory data that makes certain calculations possible, that nonetheless start breaking down as the so-called quantum properties show up. Religious creeds on the other hand, allow us to project an anthropomorphic image on the transcendent, giving the illusion of understanding by apposing onto it the rules and biases of our psychisms and inter-individual relationships.
Physical laws are a form of contract with matter, supposed to obey our representations, the same way prayers constitute contracts with the divinity, which we wish to bend to our whims. The materialist and religious position alike come the loss of the original contact with the transcendent dimension. They are both substitutes, their contractual aspect giving rise—unconsciously—to on oone hand the fear of being wrong or the unknown, and on the other, for doubt or the fear of hell to creep in our religions. On the contrary, the relationship to the extrasensory must exclude any contractual aspect. It must live in openness and absolute trust. Calculation and fear have no place in it, as a higher current of consciousness—the only source of true happiness—sweeps them away.